8/26 Rey don Jaime Road
Quart de poblet (Spain)
Mrs. Virgin Active
Human Resources Manager
Business Solutions International
Ambassador House
Marcham Way
Dear Virgin Active
Nursery vacancy
I am writing in response to an advertisement for the position mentioned above, which was announced in nurseryjobs.co.uk the 20 of february, and I enclose my CV.
Right now I'm studying the last year of higher education for children. In CIPFP. Faitanar valence (Spain). What I hope to finish this year, including practices.
Besides many of the subjects that I think I have given are very useful for this position.
And I have an adequate level to carry out.
Apart from my educational level, I think I have enough skills to take the work out, since I work face to the public and with children, volunteering at several events of my people, and I have the title of free time monitor, and I that when working with children is good since you have multiple outputs with which to work with them.
I think the work offered is great and gives me the opportunity to put into practice the things studied and my social skills.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely
Noelia Jimeno